I decided to work from Kayser Ridge for a few days this week and on the way out here stopped to see a friend, Siraj (http://blog.siraju.com/) who gifted me with a wonderful book of poems. Siraj encourages readers to share reactions on the blank pages he puts between each page of his book as a way to create a shared experience — brilliant…

Here’s what I wrote on the blank page 8:

Loving Turns

I already love this day!
With its turnings of my teacup in its saucer
And me in this sanctuary
Where January has become February
I turn in the direction
Of the softest breeze that ever caressed a face
And back to a collection
Of songbirds that play and sing
As a rising sun over this mountain
Blinds the winter for a breath of spring
I turn the softest pages that fingers ever turned
Past the Introduction
To hear the songs cradled in a silk nest
With a poet I turn one.


Thank you, Siraj