December 11th 2010, Open Letter from Kayser Ridge.

It’s that time of year when quite a few cards and letters get passed around to share important stuff – updates/highlights of activities, events, travels, accomplishments – reflections on the joys and/or challenges experienced. I’m in front of the fireplace at Kayser Ridge reflecting on those things regarding Kayser Ridge knowing that it’s simultaneously the easiest and most difficult thing for me to do! How does one share the fullness, depth, breadth, essence and appreciation for all that’s happened and for all the people who have contributed so much to those happenings – and, to make my dreams for Kayser Ridge come true? It’s simultaneously an impossible task…and a wonderful gift.

Disclaimer aside, it has been a wonderful and successful year on many levels due in no small part to a planning retreat I held at Kayser Ridge in late 2009 with a small group of thoughtful committed people. These “FOX advisors” (Friends of XPERIENCE, LLC) contributed their time and talent to help facilitate some BIG personal and professional shifts for me in 2010. As Margaret Mead says, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committted peoplel can change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Suffice it to say, they changed my world, and so much has been accomplished in the last year as a result, such as: increased focus on back-office basics in the legal/accounting areas; ramped-up infrastructure related to support, assistance, marketing, and space design/utilization; and more focus on high-leverage investments of time and other resources. I don’t want this to sound like an Executive Summary Report, so I’ll spare further details, but not before sharing the single best change/ addition — Dawn Coleman.

Dawn’s contributions are evident everywhere, from the website, physical space and facilities utilization, to the “experience” of all of it that comes through from who she is and her presence. This new partnership has brought a treasure trove of fresh perspectives and talents to fill existing gaps to bring Kayser Ridge to the next level. Thanks to FOX advisors for their support and encourgement that prompted getting the help and support that was so sorely needed and thank you Dawn for providing such an amazing mix of talent, being, dedication, and support.

The other thanks goes to the rest of the FOXes  — the larger group of Kayser Ridge contributors. They are workshop and retreat leaders — people with incredible skills, knowledge and abilities they share at Kayser Ridge. They are also the people who bring their curiosity, desire to learn, and to promote their growth — physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and creatively. When I reflect on the experiences, pictures, and testimonials from events and workshops at Kayser Ridge, I am filled with a joy that is indescribable. Collectively, you all manifest the spirit of Kayser Ridge and contribute in so many ways to making the experience of “It” what “It” is!

And, you all have also contributed in so many ways to making my dream come true. Thank you all and I wish the best Holiday Season and New Year that’s possible. And “thanks” seems so trite and insufficient…so I’ll end by stealing from a recent Kayser Ridgee testimonial — “Thanks for Cairn!”

LOVE, Cliff